About Me

My photo
Annpaolis, MD
I am a self taught photographer who is attempting to capture people, animals or objects in moments where they reveal their true nature, purpose or ability and by doing so I hope to gain a glimpse into a greater understanding of what it means to be on this planet.

Monday, August 6, 2012

iPhone Moments -- A Surprising Guest

     I love being a photographer because it gives me the ability of capture moments in time. One of the most exciting moments for me are the unplanned and unpredictable photo opportunities. This can range from the light hitting a child's face just right to a butterfly landing on a leaf outside.
     The unfortunate part is that I don't always have my D-90 on hand all the time, which can be problematic. This results in me often cursing under my breath or sprinting into my house and scrambling to get my camera and make it back out in time. Now this not only does not look pretty but it also results in subpar photos and me become disheveled and annoyed.
     This is where the iPhone has become a savior for me! It is amazing the quality of photos that this piece of technology can take, and the best part is that I always have it on me!

     Therefore, I am going to start a new segment called iPhone moments! I hope you enjoy...

Annapolis, MD -- August, 2012

A very large (about the size a quarter) Wolf Spider came into our house yesterday and I captured it with one of our water glasses. 
When I looked through the top this is what I saw! 

*** I was unable to get to my D-90 because my batterie had died after a long day of shooting. Note to self, always start charging the battery as soon as I walk in :-/ ***

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Moment in Time

   There are times when I walk into a room or climb over a hill and see something that takes my breath away. In that moment the world that lies in front of me speaks to something deep within me. In these moments I hope time will stop and I can live there forever. Once the unfortunate realization that I can not live here forever comes crashing down I reach for my camera or phone and take a photo.
   At home, I load my photos onto my computer and look at these moments of perfection that I have captured. However, sometimes I am disappointed when I relize that the water is not as blue, the shadows were too strong and the moment of perfection I experienced can not be shared with my friends and family. In that moment time seems to stop again.
   This is the reason that I became a photographer and everyday strive to capture that moment in time through my camera. Here are some of the moments that I have successfully captured those moments that allow me to experience what it means to live on this planet.

Annapolis, Maryland - 2010 
I was assigned to capture an image of the American flag for the 4th of July. Every angle I looked at could not capture the grace of a flag moving in the wind. Finally, I laid on the ground and I found this. 

Baltimore, Maryland - 2010
I was taking photos of fish in the aquarium. It took me over a seventy photos to find this  little one. 

Baltimore, Maryland - 2011
With only a cluster of nerves Jelly Fish have always moved with a haunting elegance that is amazing. 

Masonic Lodge Annapolis, Maryland - 2010
The Lodge's museum is full of items that date back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As a very old Masonic Lodge whole building is full of amazing moments. This is one of my favorites.   

Victoria Falls, Zambia - 2010
While on a river cruise I was finally able to capture the beauty and tranquility that comes with sunset. 

 Naivasha, Kenya - 2009
I was lucky enough to be only feet away from this bird. He allowed me to photograph him before flying away. 

Crescent Island, Kenya - 2009
A friend popped up from under the water. 

Jacksboro, Texas - 2011
Some live and some die. 

Crescent Island, Kenya - 2009
There are only a few moments in life that allow you to truly understand what it means to share this planet with others. 

Jacksboro, Texas - 2009
Sometimes I don't know how extraordinary a moment in life is until I look back and find that I captured something I would have otherwise never experienced. 

Jacksboro, Texas 2011
Cattle can seem so docile until you find two bulls "playing" around. 

 Annapolis, Maryland - 2011
Every night I would watch our spider (the same type as the one in Charlotte's Web) climb up from her hole and spin her web. This night I was luck enough to photograph my friend rolling up her evening meal. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Faces From the World

African Gospel Church Baby Center. Nakuru, Kenya 2008 

Nairobi, Kenya 2008

Hyde Park, London, Englad 2009

Zambikes International, Lusaka, Zambia 2009

New York, USA 2010

St. Catherine School, Naivasha, Kenya 2008

New York, USA 2010

British Museum, London, England 2009 

Seeds of Hope International Class, Zambia 2009

Masai Village, Kenya 2008

New York, USA 2011

Illinois, USA 2011

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tale of the Bear Slayer

The Folk Rock/Metal band, Necron was created in 2005 by four friends. While they now live on opposite sides of the country due to college and work Necron still comes together and plays. 

Mert, the basis, 2011

A small audience has gathered in Stove's basement recording studio. 

 Bon, the guitarist, 2011

Necron's songs are often inspired by the band members memories of childhood. One of the most popular songs is 'Tale of the Bear Slayer' inspired by old Spaghetti Westerns.

The walls of Necron's studio has been plastered with posters of great Heavy Metal and rock bands for inspiration.  

 Necron has been through a variety of transformations with the loss of one member to school. 

 Stove, plays the drums and sings, 2011

Today, Necron is going through a new transformation and is considering the new name, Apeonaut.